Buying An Insurance Agency Has

Never Been So Straightforward

Our goal is to help you maximize your investment of acquisition through purchasing the correct agency for you. The areas of interest that are important to buyers is picking up new quality carriers, achieving or increasing your contingency income, growth in new regions, warding off larger agencies coming into your region, increasing your agency footprint, and picking up quality employees and producers.

How We Facilitate Your Deal


We understand that buying an agency is more than just a business transaction. You want to maximize carrier contracts, contingent income, quality employees and grow your agency footprint.

  • Goals Alignment Discussions
  • Valuation of Agency of Interest
  • Understanding of Financial Benefits of Purchase


This is one of the most important parts in the sales process. This is where our team helps align your financial records, profit and loss statements, management reports, correct add backs to your balance sheets to increase and successfully maximize your ability to grow through acquisition and obtain financing.

  • Our team involvement in compiling of financial records and reports
  • Laying out expectations of requirements to maximize purchase ability
  • Helping you understand the entire purchase process from offers, to lending options, to closing

Make an Offer on the Right Agency For You

Making the right offer for the agency based upon book size, book make-up, true revenue, quality of assets including employees, and growth potential is essential to the foundation of your offer.

  • Review Pitchbook
  • Assess All Aspects of Agency
  • Submit Letter of Intent


After the seller accepts your Letter or Intent Offer, we will work with you and the seller to move the letter of intent to contract written in the proper format to close an insurance agency. You will work through due diligence verifying the information provided is correct. It needed we will help you obtain the best financing possible through our preferred lenders. We will make sure all parties fully understand the transaction.

  • Complete due diligence
  • Negotiate purchase contract
  • Complete closing requirements


The closing package will be prepared by a closing attorney. We will have already explained the documents to be signed prior to closing. The attorney will also explain the documents to both parties before signing. The closing will happen electronically, the ease of doing business is key. Insurance Merger Specialists will be with you every step of the way. 

  • Assist buyer or seller through transition


Taking Elegant Themes to The Next Level


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Annual Savings


Return Users


Sales Increase


Traffic Boost



“I can’t believe it took us this long to make a change. So happy that we did. Numbers don’t lie.”

John Doe, Divi CEO

Get In Touch

1234 sAn Francisco, CA 12345
+1 555 0394 848